Thursday, July 17, 2008


Always enjoyable to see all the hard work from the past season come to fruition with all the teasers coming out. See who got what and what they're going to make of it, but regardless of how good some of those teasers might be, I'm always most psyched to see what Absinthe Films is offering. Justin Hostynek and crew knows how to make some film.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


n. Short for no-mobile phobia, its the anxiety produced by losing cell phone contact, for lack of coverage or power. A recent survey in the UK estimates that half of its citizens are afflicted. The condition is said to be as stressful as a root canal.

...I've never had a root canal. A handful of my friends point their fingers at me for being on my phone a lot, but I think its safe to say that if that phobia is as painful as a root canal, then a root canal doesn't sound all that bad.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Sid is Here

Paco showed up on my doorstep. A little random given he resides in France. But with Sid showing on my doorstep, means I'll be having a bit more of the Sex Pistols in my life...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


It was sometime last fall when I first saw this in an Adbusters magazine. It gives some great perspective and makes me feel like our national focal points are a bit lopsided.

Makes me think of that proverb, "Why do we kill people that kill people? Is it to prove that killing people is wrong?"
Here are some references to the above information as well...
(1) CNN (read)
(2) FBI (read)
(3) National Center for Statistics and Analysis (read)
(4) Institue of Medicine (read)
(5) CDC (read)
(6) American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (read)
(7) American Cancer Society (read)
(8) National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine (read)
(9) Center for Disease Control (CDC), NCHS Leading Causes of Death (read)
(10) National Cancer Institute (read)
(11) CDC, Smoking Attributable Deaths (read)
(12) CDC, Cigarette Smoking-Related Mortality (read)