Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My friend Dave Pires is a real good chap. I honestly don't know him that well and haven't spent that much time with him, but he is the type of person that has had a lasting instillment upon me and I'm sure that is an impression he leaves with most people. If you ever get a chance to cross paths with him, be sure to open your mouth, because his response will generally be something worth listening to. If you don't get that chance then take a pit stop over at www.swampsterbate.com and read some of the fine writing he puts out on a regular basis.
Hope all is well Dave.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Headed on up to my original home of Sundance to watch a leg of the Tour of Utah.
Nothing grandiose, but nonetheless was nice to see something of the nature. Had to utilize my phone camera to gts...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

House of Cards

Radiohead recently released their first "video" promo for their latest album "In Rainbows." Made without video cameras through the use of Geometrics Informatics, a system which 'employs structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity,' and laser-based Velodyne Lidar, director James Frost creates a mathematic virtual world for Radiohead's - House of Cards.

Also on Pitchforkmedia.com today they came out with a funny write up about the above video and a new interactive screensaver that made me chuckle...
"It's pretty nifty, actually, in a play-at-home Pink Floyd laser show sorta way. Between this and Pineapple Express and all the synchronized diving on the Olympics, I'd expect the productivity of the world's stoner population to hit historic lows this week."
Download the screen saver via Ease Web.

Truth is Out There?

Good day at work today. In the midst of the hussle and bussle a ruckus started to stir about something on the internet. Once it finally made my way I was so psyched to hear the news. They do exist...

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Once again, Nike hitting the mark.

The Man

The man has been kind enough to give me this little space for the summer to try and earn some coin. I won't let him get me down...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Not Much

My life as of late has consisted of the following (including, but not limited to); working in a cubicle...6 days a week.

I'll find some interesting content to throw up on here soon. Hopefully my life soon finds some interesting content as well. I did stumble across this taxidermy tyrannosaurus rex the other day!