Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bang, Bang, Shoot em' up

Took a few days, usually does, but we all came home happy after today. This zone is way outside of Timberline resort. Doesn't take too much effort to get in there, but getting out is definitely an adventure. Hiking under huge cliff and face exposures. Wet slabs are constantly being triggered by falling rocks, saturated snow and any slight pressure from a foreign object. But once the sun starts to near the horizon it becomes more than worth it. I've definitely taken ample amounts of photos at this zone and Mt. Hood in general, but here are some select images from the past bit...Day 2 - hike out

Day 2 - sunset

Day 3 - opener

Mahretime #1

Mahretime #2

Day 3 - sunset

Day 3 - closer

Day 3 - hike out

Day 3 - Mississippi Head at Dusk

Half way through our hour + hike out in the dark. Good times.

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